Lower Leg Strengthening

Active Arch: 

  • Begin in a seated posture with both feet planted firmly on the ground. 

  • Keep your heel and ball of your foot firm in one spot. 

  • Now, contract the arch of your foot by pulling upwards slightly through the top of your foot, by drawing the base of the big toe towards your heel and squeezing the middle of your foot together. 

  • Doing all three of these motions will pull your arch upwards.

  • Perform 15-20 sets with each foot.

Marble Pickup

  • Begin in a seated position with your feet gently resting on floor. 

  • Place a 15-20 marbles on the floor 

  • Using the toes of one foot, pick up the marble and place it in a bowl

  • Perform 2 sets with each foot

Flexor Digitorum Longus and Flexor Hallicus Longis

  • Begin in a seated position with your feet gently resting on floor. 

  • Place section of resistance band beneath your toes with the exception of your big toe and your heel

  • Hold the opposite end of band in your hand near the knee creating tension 

  • Curl toes down towards floor against band

  • To strengthen Flexor Hallicus place band directly beneath the big toe only

  • Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue of each exercise on each foot

Towel Scrunch

  • Begin in a seated position with one foot on a towel laid length-wise. 

  • Using flexors of your foot scrunch towel until far edge is at toes

  • To increase difficulty, place heavy book or object at far end of towl

  • Perform 3 sets with each foot

Lateral Ankle and Peroneus Brevis/Longus Strengthening

  • Begin in a seated position with a resistance band around the forefoot

  • Resistance band should be anchored to structure located to the inside of lower leg

  • Pull forefoot away from the midline against resistance for Peroneus Brevis

  • To strengthen Peroneus Longus push down with inner portion of foot against resistance

  • Perform 2 sets with each leg until muscle fatigue. 1 minute rest between sets

Medial Ankle Ligaments and Posterior Tibialis Muscle

  • Begin in a seated position with a resistance band around the forefoot

  • Resistance band should be anchored to structure located to the outside of lower leg

  • Pull forefoot towards the midline against resistance

  • Perform 2 sets until muscle fatigue with both ankles

Alternate Toe/Heel Walk

  • Find an uninterrupted stretch of floor at least 15 feet long

  • Walk barefoot on your toes from one end to the other

  • Return to starting position by walking on your heels

  • Perform 2-3 reps of each

Folded Pillow Stabilization

  • Stand with one foot on top of a folded pillow

  • Other leg should be lifted off the ground and not adding any additional support

  • Balance on one foot at first holding the wall with one hand

  • When comfortable remove hand from wall

  • Close eyes for added challenge

  • Both feet: Balance for 30-60 seconds. 1 minute rest between sets.

Peroneus Longus and Brevis

  • Begin standing with hips separated slightly greater than shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent

  • Alternately raise and lower heels

  • Focus on lowering and raising forefoot 3 seconds in each direction with 3 second hold with heel raised

  • Complete 2 sets with each leg until leg reaches fatigue in each set. 1 min rest between sets

Posterior Tibialis: Curtsy Bow

  • Stand on edge of stair or thick book with forefoot supported

  • Bend affected knee 30 degrees

  • Perform calf raise however as you lower your heel, swing opposite leg behind you as if giving curtsy bow

  • Hold for 3-5 seconds

  • One must have the knee bent on order to target the deeper calf muscle. By swinging opposite leg behind you, the posterior tibialis is forced to stabilize the ankle from collapsing inwards

  • Complete 2 sets with each leg until leg reaches fatigue in each set. 1 min rest between sets.

Posterior Tibialis: Banded Foot Arch

  • Standing with resistance band around mid lower leg

  • Rock onto outside of foot by raising and lowering arch

  • Complete 2 sets with each leg until leg reaches fatigue in each set. 1 min rest between sets.

Gastroc/Soleus Eccentric Calf Raises

  • Begin with both forefeet positioned on edge of stair, knees straight to slightly bent

  • Slowly raise both heels as high as possible 

  • Remove one foot and balance with the other foot

  • Hold at top position for 3 seconds

  • Slowly lower the one heel below the level of the stair 

  • To strengthen SOLEUS, perform same motion but with knees bent 30 degrees the entire repetition

  • Both legs: two sets until feel fatigue in muscle. 1 minute rest between sets.

Weighted Gastronemius Eccentric Calf Raises

  • Follow Instruction from above wearing a 20-25 pound backpack.

Weighted Soeus Eccentric Calf Raises

  • Follow Instruction from above wearing a 20-25 pound backpack.

  • Bend knee 30 degrees