When one walks into the waiting room at Wellness in Motion Boston, one can expect to encounter a wide range of clients. There may be yogis, cross-fitters, former and future Olympians, grandparents, weekend-warriors, musicians, computer programmers, artists and professional athletes. While the method of injury may differ, we are all susceptible to overuse injury. We at Wellness in Motion Boston will do everything we can to get you back enjoying your passion!

Here are some of the many injuries we treat on a daily basis:

Achilles tendinitis
Adhesive Capsulitis/Frozen shoulder
Back pain
Bicipital tendinitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chondromalacia Patella/Runner's knee
Golfer's elbow/Medial epicondylitis
Hip injury
Iliotibial band syndrome
Impingement syndrome of shoulder or hip
Joint dysfunction
Knee pain
Muscle strains
Neck pain
Nerve entrapment syndrome
Plantar fasciitis
Post surgical conditions
Rotator cuff injury
Running injuries
Scar tissue
Shin splints
Swimmer's shoulder
Tennis Elbow/Lateral epicondylitis
Thoracic outlet syndrome